The Challenge!! aka "The Goat that Bleats"
Challenge 1
Arrange one of the largest open air, on coals/fire cooking events in the modern history of man, on one of the world's smaller islands with a cultural affinity for B2B (More about B2B later). Check! Well done guys.
Challenge 2
Accommodation for all those travelling from far. If you were too late for a grassy patch at Wanganui Top 10, friends, family and or other venues would have had to do. Check. - Did not see anyone sleeping on the sides of the roads!
Challenge 3
Trying to keep an ex-pat event multi-cultural. Hmm, check, yes but it is clearly the beer, the smoke and the food that draws SAners together no matter where you are. Oh, and throw a goat into the mix and it becomes an event.
Challenge 4
And in my mind the biggest - reporting on this predominantly AFRIKAANS event in English!!! For the sake of our Kiwi friends who joined us for the day - else they'd have no clue - so wees sterk en verstaan, want ek weet ook nie hoe dit gaan uitdraai nie!!!
(Hoe die ____ doen 'n mens dit?!)
Here we go then....
No more Big Wait
THE BIG BOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So without reserve, bold and wild, from the plains of Africa, entering with a flash of light...
Now I am not famous enough do have had a backstage pass for real quality pics - but I think you get the idea here. Big Party!!! It was good.
The next day the Sunday paper reported that "Pop Idol" Bok van Blerk entertained us the night before. Ek dog ek bedinges myself net daar in my beste kerk pakkie. Ons weet almal 'n bok is dalk 'n bliksem, maar 'n Pop Idol!!??? Dis ver benede hom. But I guess we can't blame the reporter, because he did seem very "popular". So, yes, Bok, jou bliksem, Thanks!!!! Dit was geat!!!!
(Gotta love the Afrikaner entrepreneurial spirit - a few days later Trade Me offered signed Afrikaner Hart CD's!! :-)
And then of to explore. Sonja and I decided to take Niel's visiting parents to go see Cave Beach. I've reported on this before, but here are some more pics to enjoy!!!
To return back to... ah, (pause, look worried, ashamed, like you forgot something imporatant) the free marketing, I almost forgot!!! Sorry André!!!!!
Clearing throat (just imagine it for effect) - the final statement...
To return back the the welcoming atmosphere of André and Martie's Top 10 Holiday Park where cooking Potjie on an open fire is the perfect end to a perfect Easter Weekend!