THE WILD WESTOf New Zealand's North IslandOn 2010's new year's day we travelled to two beaches just north-west of Wanganui and discovered some amazing wild and picturesque beaches, Waipipi Beach and "Cave Beach".Here are some of the photo's taken on the day...
Map to show where the treasures were hidden...

Cold, but not Blouberg...

On the rocks

Reminded us so much of Trekos!!!

This is why... Camp for free as you like. All they ask for is a donation you leave in the Honesty Box!

See, camping big or small, no problem. It's up to you!!

Gotta get me one of those!!!!

As close as we get to catching a fish!

Kids - know no boundaries!

Droom verlore...
CAVE BEACH...Not too far from Waipipi Beach you get Cave Beach and Long Beach. These are the amazing views of "Cave Beach"...

Eroded structures from the top

Famous arch

When the camera itself is the auto camera-man you take the shot you get. The wind kept blowing the camera off the coffee cup it was balancing on!!!

They say life emerged from the seas. It then swam out underneath the magical arch to give it lungs to breath air and the ability to walk upright.

Splashing around to the caves

Eroded "caves"

Get your timing right, else you may get trapped by the water.

They say early man lurched about in caves!! :-)

Evidence of ongoing erosion.