Saturday, April 04, 2009

Waitarere Forest Walk and Playboy Bunnies!!

When a new life in a new country is your fortune and you have an opportunity to re-invent many things in your life, then exercise is one of those things that I've added as a newbie!! Yep yep, previously I got only thumb exercise from remote control usage on weekends!! This Fun Run/Walk is one of those newly added exercise events in my life, but it also has an element of the old in that I've always been a bit of a nature boy!! Gimme the green, the blue, remove the cars, the structures etc, and I'm a happy chappie!!

During our residency celebrations, this event was discussed as a faaaantastic idea by many who attended the celebrations (you'll know who you all are!!) - but, as the time drew closer, one by one the little excuses started rolling in... :-)

In the end, it was Sonja and I alone who were left to enjoy this magnificent event in one of the most beautiful pine forests I've ever been in on a day which was so uniquely scarce in the Kapiti area - fine, cool, sunny, absolutely no wind - it was just perfect!! Yes yes yes - I am trying to make you guys jealous - and I hope the photos show you what a wow event you missed out on!! :-)

Just a number - yep, but I'm in!!

Also just a number, but she wwas there!!

So were many others!!

And what a beautiful day it was!! Getting ready for the 10km...

And here they are!! The bunnies! Sonja soon decided that no way were three bunnies going to beat us, so we up the pace, but the bunnies were good!! They really packed a punch - so the race was on!

Determination set the pace...

The pass! - After a long chase through winding roads, it was in the cool of the forest that new zest surged the vains and the bunnies were left behind...

Well ahead now, we cleared the thick of the forest and proceeded on our path of victory - the BUNNIES were beat!!!!

Such a joy, the whole personal victory thing!

The road ahead no longer posed a BUNNY threat!

But alas, one of the BUNNY memebers decided to pace up, leave her compatriots behind and speed through to the finish line!!

Well, it was a victory regardless of bunnies and what they did - we beat 2 out of the 3 of them, and we completed the whole 10km. And look, medals too! :-)

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