Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Just to let you all know that I got my workpermit on Tuesday 22 July 2008!!!!
It was a painless and quick process, in total I spent about 30 minutes at the immigration department..this included the waiting period :-) (nope, once again NOT 6-8 weeks).
So I will start working on Monday 28 July @ 09:00 that is not a typo..
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008
So I made my first stop over of 2 hours without any cigarettes which meant I have not smoked for more than 11 hours!!! Maybe I should have..could have calmed the nerves for the next shock. We board the plane to Bangkok and we have the delightful company of a religious group (+- 50) en route from Nigeria to Sydney to meet the Pope!!! Ja, Ja..fate had to remind me why I am doing what I am doing...
Why are you in NZ?
Why did you leave your husband in SA
Are you sure that you are not here to look for a job?
Are your family legally in NZ..nee weet jy eintlik plak hulle net hier..dis mos wat ons Suid Afrikaners doen...
After all the questions and a 30 minute delay I could proceed to the next check hulle nog eenkeer vir my vra of ek "food or fruit" in my tas het gaan ek skree...ek bedoel regtig..wie vlieg met vrugte in hulle tas (behalwe my ouma)...
Ok so after declared "legally in NZ" with no Biological Hazards (bose swere, vrugte in die tas, crap onder die skoene) I am allowed to finally enter the International terminal building.
Luckily the luggage was transferred to the domestic flight to Wellington. I was told that I need to proceed to the domestic terminal..I could take the bus..or walk on the blue line..i decided that I would walk a bit as I have been sitting on the plane for all these hours. Needless to say I did not expect it to start pouring with rain in the middle of my 20 minute walk..
and then finally boarding the plane to Wellington
The landing in Wellington was the worst of the whole trip...I mean really..who builds a landing strip in the middle of the sea? So laat dit vir jou 'n challenge wees Marius :-) Die wind het gewaai, dit het gereen, en die landing strip het water aan weerskante..maar ek het dit gemaak.
Step 1 flying to Kiwiland completed succesfully!!!