Thursday, July 10, 2008

The flight to Kiwi land!!

The time has finally arrived for me to depart from SA on mission NZ jobhunt.

I left Cape Town on Saturday 5 July @ 18h00. As you are all aware I hate why did I book the LOOOONNGG flight to NZ...needless to say I am now an experienced flyer...
Dubai Airport
The first stop over after 9 hours of flying was in massive airport..where security felt the need to unpack all my hand luggage to remove dangerous objects from my suitcase..this after I have gone through security clearance at Cape Town. Very dangerous indeed..

So I made my first stop over of 2 hours without any cigarettes which meant I have not smoked for more than 11 hours!!! Maybe I should have..could have calmed the nerves for the next shock. We board the plane to Bangkok and we have the delightful company of a religious group (+- 50) en route from Nigeria to Sydney to meet the Pope!!! Ja, Ja..fate had to remind me why I am doing what I am doing...
Next stop Bangkok..luckily I didnt have the turnstyle problem :-)
Reaching Bangkok meant that I now have passed half of the time required to fly all the way to Wellington. Only half yes, and already I have lost the ability to sit still, watch movies or pretend that you are sleeping. I was amazed at the positions that people can fall asleep in on a plane.
The next 9 hour stretch landed me in Sydney. By now I am operating in zombie state..luckily THE GROUP has now reached their destination..afterall a plane is no place for "bos maniere".
The flight from Sydney to Auckland was uneventful and quiet..after all the flying this 3 hours felt like seconds...
For all of you who thought that the flying part was the most stressul...nope..that was a breeze compared to customs. As expected (and warned) all South Africans are being pulled from the line "Excuse me, Ms but immigration would like to have a word for you"..and yes then it is 20 questions time...

Why are you in NZ?

Why did you leave your husband in SA

Are you sure that you are not here to look for a job?

Are your family legally in NZ..nee weet jy eintlik plak hulle net hier..dis mos wat ons Suid Afrikaners doen...

After all the questions and a 30 minute delay I could proceed to the next check hulle nog eenkeer vir my vra of ek "food or fruit" in my tas het gaan ek skree...ek bedoel regtig..wie vlieg met vrugte in hulle tas (behalwe my ouma)...

Ok so after declared "legally in NZ" with no Biological Hazards (bose swere, vrugte in die tas, crap onder die skoene) I am allowed to finally enter the International terminal building.

Luckily the luggage was transferred to the domestic flight to Wellington. I was told that I need to proceed to the domestic terminal..I could take the bus..or walk on the blue line..i decided that I would walk a bit as I have been sitting on the plane for all these hours. Needless to say I did not expect it to start pouring with rain in the middle of my 20 minute walk..

and then finally boarding the plane to Wellington

The landing in Wellington was the worst of the whole trip...I mean really..who builds a landing strip in the middle of the sea? So laat dit vir jou 'n challenge wees Marius :-) Die wind het gewaai, dit het gereen, en die landing strip het water aan weerskante..maar ek het dit gemaak.

Step 1 flying to Kiwiland completed succesfully!!!

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